Friday, May 1, 2009


Rated: PG-13
Director: Tony Gilroy
Cast: Julia Roberts, Clive Owen, Tom Wilkinson, Paul Giamatti

What I loved: I loved the movie, it was just enjoyable, fun, inventive, but not TOO twisty for my brain. I loved the ending. There is no spoiler here, but it was a solid ending. And, although I also call it a weakness, the triple-type of the movie was very enjoyable and fun. Each aspect - espionage, thriller, and romance - grew as the movie went on, in depth and enjoyment and complexity.

What I did not love: Duplicity's desire to please all people all the time might let some down. While aspects of it (and really, any new espionage or spy-thriller) are difficult to follow for awhile, that is not the problem. The problem is that the movie does a number of things well, therefore it is not an excellent espionage movie, or a an excellent romance movie, or an excellent thriller.

Movement: I think you might have anticipated this, but Duplicity moves at about 77 MPH (the SUV that is in the fast lane - still gets passed by a few but mainly passes everyone else at a nice clip). You will think you are lost at the beginning, but you will be filled in on some aspects of the movie.

3.5/5 stars. If there were an espionage/romance combo-genre I would be willing to go 4/5.

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