Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Rated: R
Director: Pedro Almodovar
Cast: Penelope Cruz, Yohana Cobo

What I loved: I enjoy stories with history. Volver explores generational issues, family and loss, the supernatural (sort of), and at heart - it is simply a movie about people. The acting is tremendous, and in many ways it is nice to deal with a fun, easy-going supernatural-ism, rather than an overly dark, evil kind.

What I did not love: Volver is doing a couple of things at the same time. I am unable to fully back away from my desire to see more... Something in any direction! The ending is not even anti-climactic, I just wanted a bit more I think.

Movement: Volver moves around in strange ways for North American Viewers. It is fast, it does not apologize, and it leaves you wondering sometimes, but never about the important things. It is very clear what is important to director Almodovar. Cruz is an interesting character and well-written character: as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a woman with a blue-collar job.

3.5/5 stars

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