Friday, February 27, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Director: David Fincher
Cast: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Taraji Henson, Julia Ormond
Rated: PG-13

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button moves around a bit like Forrest Gump.  The characters are certainly different, but more like a Biblical Story than English Literature - the characters are as defined by their actions as they are by their speech or descriptions.  This makes it enjoyable, at about 45-50 MPH.  B. Button was nominated for a number of awards; it deserved the nominations but maybe not to win.  Taraji Henson is fantastic, and Pitt and Blanchett are solid.  The historical swings are exciting, and the comedic stop-overs are worthwhile.

Overall Benjamin Button is what you expect given the hype.  The Father/Son issues are not plumbed to their depths, but they sit in front of you for a few minutes.  The curious case of a man growing younger as he grows older is fun, and might have some holes if it wasn't such a fanciful story.  The love story is interesting, highlighted by, "Sleep With me...  " (Blanchett)  "ABSOLUTELY" (Pitt), it seems like that line would be trite, but it isn't.  3.5/5 stars.

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